Address to all Christians of all world nations, in view of persecution against Our Lord’s Cross in Great Britain
“But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness”
1 Cor., 1:23
The British government has recently decided to support the ban on wearing a cross at work introduced by some British companies. This decision was made in the context of several British citizens taking their case to the European Court of Humans Rights in Strasbourg after being fired for open wearing of a cross.
The decision of the British government is based on the allegation that wearing a cross is not a “requirement” of the Christian faith. This statement is clearly false.
For Orthodox Christians wearing a crucifix of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the chest is a requirement and a symbol of the Orthodox Christian faith. The cross is put on an Orthodox at the moment of the holy baptism, with the cross the Orthodox go to the Lord. We, Orthodox Christians, honour the atonement of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who sacrificed Himself in redemption of the original sin committed by Adam and Eve who turned away from God, and in redemption of all sins of the humankind.
Let’s remember: sin had no power over Our Lord Jesus Christ. From the moment Virgin Mary conceived from the Holy Spirit, from the time of His Birth – He is without sin. He has no nationality. He is the image of the original man made by the Lord at the time of creation of the world, and at the same time He is the Son of God. Willingly and consciously, untouched by any sin, He gave Himself to the Jewish high priests, Pharisee and Sadducee Sanhedrin, and Roman procurator Pontius Pilate to be crucified in redemption of all sins of the humankind and in order to open the way to Heaven for every Christian. The robber crucified on the right hand of Jesus Christ confessed that He was the Son of God and with a cross opened the Heaven’s gates, which had been sealed by God after expulsion of Adam and Eve.
The Cross means for us resurrection to a new life, victory over death, the key to the Paradise, and the key to the Kingdom of Heaven. No adversary, no enemy of humankind can stand against the power of the Holy Cross. By the power of the Lord’s Cross the Holy Emperor Constantine Equal to the Apostles gained a victory over his opponent Maxentius who consolidated the defense with superior forces in the city of Rome. By the power of the Life-giving Cross the dead came back to life. The cross is a symbol of all Christian churches. It is the power of the Cross that the Antichrist cannot resist.
That is why in the eyes of every Christian the Cross is a symbol of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and a symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the creed of Christian faith, protection against the enemy of humankind, and the key to the Kingdom of Heaven. All true Christians understand that very well and do not part with the Cross throughout their lives. Many hole ascetics, holy confessors and martyrs were ready to lose their lives and sometimes died refusing to be parted with the Cross.
The manner of wearing a cross – over or under the clothing – belongs to peculiarities and traditions of different Christian nations, and can by no means be dictated by either employers or governments of any country.
Famous for its liberalism, Great Britain showed with this government decision that the English liberalism is in fact not aimed at the so-called human rights protection, but is an ideology opposing Christianity. The right of Cross-hating employer is placed above employee’s right to publicly and openly confess the faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ. That is the real meaning of the English liberalism.
British monarchy, and Queen Elizabeth II personally, did not accomplish the task set before a Christian monarch, which is safekeeping and protection of the Lord’s Cross. A monarch, the Head of Anglican Church, cannot allow persecution of Christians, whether Coptic, Orthodox, or Catholic, living in her country. Even the shape of the British crown with a cross on top must remind of this. A rejection of Christian values has already brought the European Union to the brink of collapse. A refusal to hold on to the Lord’s Cross will become the main reason for of the European Union’s destruction, if its governing authorities and the Christian nations of the European Union do not come to their senses turning back to Christ.
I support the British citizens who appealed to the European Court of Humans Rights challenging the ban to wear a cross at work. Nadia Eweida was suspended from work by British Airways, Shirley Chaplin was fired from the Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Trust Hospital.
I call upon all Christians, whether they live in Russia or Greece, in Poland or Italy, in the USA or Canada, in Japan or China, - to declare a boycott of any English goods or services until the British government rescinds its decision to ban open wearing of a cross by employees of British companies.
We are very much aware that many British people and companies do not support the theomachist decision of the government and stand for termination of legalized persecution of Christians. We appreciate that in 2007 British Airways changed its uniform policy including wearing of a cross by its employees. With due respect for British people, great Christian culture of Britain, loving Dickens, Chesterton, Swift, we understand that all citizens share the responsibility for the decisions made by the Parliament and the appointed government. That is why it is important that the British citizens and British companies themselves seek to induce their government to rescind its theomachist, anti-christian decision.
While the decision of the British government remains in force, such companies as British Petroleum and Shell, British Airways and BMI, Land Rover and Bentley, Rolls Roys, Marks&Spencer and BHS, Burberry and TopShop, many other small and large companies producing goods in the territory of Great Britain, or using British brand names outside of its territory, regardless of their religion and the position of the management, will to some degree share the responsibility for that decision.
I call upon all Christians to follow the lead of employees of Vash Finansovy Popechitel Group, agricultural holding Russian Milk, and Moscow Trade Center Elektronika na Presnye, which have already started such boycott of British goods.
Organizing committee of the party National Movement “Holy Russia” and Saint Vasiliy the Great Russian Cultural and Enlightenment Foundation intend to carry out demonstrations near the British embassy in the coming days. After the Easter Week, if by that time the British government does not change its position regarding the right of wearing a cross, we will start picketing British companies and shops that sell British goods in Russia.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the party
National Movement “Holy Russia” Vasiliy Boyko-Velikiy
Reference about a boycott of English goods and services on behalf of the employees of Vash Finansovy Popechitel Group, agricultural holding Russian Milk, and Trade Center Elektronika na Presnye.
The Board of Directors and the work collective of the companies-members of Vash Finansovy Popechitel Group, including agricultural holding Russian Milk, and Trade Center Elektronika na Presnye have decided the following.
In connection with persecution of Christians in Great Britain, namely, a ban on open wearing of Lord’s Cross for employees of British companies, and until the British government rescinds that ban, we resolve as follows:
- We refuse to purchase any goods produced in the territory of Great Britain, or under British brand names outside of its territory, for use of our businesses, and refuse to employ services of British businesses, including air companies British Airways and BMI;
- Land Rover, Range Rover, Jaguar, Bentley, and other cars of British trade marks produced after February of 2012 are banned from entrance to the premises of our business enterprises;
- Fuelling of company cars at petrol filling stations of BP (British Petroleum) and Shell, and purchase of goods under these trademarks (motor oil, etc.) shall not be permitted;
- Leasing of premises to representative offices of British companies shall be prohibited;
- We notify Bentley service center and showroom located at: premises of ARZ-3 OJSC, 13, 2nd Zvenigorodskaya Str., that the contract of lease shall be dissolved beginning with 1 July 2012, unless the British government rescinds its theomachist decision;
- Sale of goods, which were produced under British brand names after February of 2012, shall be prohibited in the Trade Center Elektronika na Presnye;
- Sale of tickets of British Airways and other English air companies shall be prohibited in booking offices located in the premises leased out by our companies.
We ask all company employees to support consciously the position of the company management and workers’ associations at the personal and family level, and refuse to:
- purchase goods in shops of British commercial networks (such as Marks&Spencer);
- purchase goods produced in Great Britain, or under British brand names (clothing, furniture, household goods, food);
- employ services provided by British air companies, including British Airways and BMI;
- fuel personal cars at petrol filling stations of BP (British Petroleum) and Shell;
- carry out trips to Great Britain.
Дата публикации: 23.03.2012
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7532 год от сотворения мира2025 год от Рождества Христова
23 января (09 января ст.с)
23 января
Свт. Феофана, Затворника Вышенского (1894).
24 января
Прп. Феодосия Великого, общих житий начальника (529). Елецкой иконы Божией Матери (1060).
В.В. Бойко-Великого
К сотрудникам «Русского Молока» и всех компаний, входящих в группу компаний «Вашъ Финансовый Попечитель».
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- Удостоверение к юбилейной медали 1000-е Ярославля А.В.Бойко-Великой
- Грамота Епископа Смоленского и Вяземского. Получена 17 июня 2010 г.
- Грамота Архиепископа Егорьевского Марка
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- Грамота управляющего Белевской Епархией
- Грамота управляющего Белевской Епархией
- Орден святых Царственных Страстотерпцев, утвержденный Черногорской митрополией Сербской Православной Церкви.
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